Monday, May 16, 2011

Memorial date confirmed

February 5th 2012 - lots of time to plan ahead...


  1. I am very disappointed to learn of this date.

    February 2012 seems inappropriately far from Ed's passing,especially for those that were unable to attend last Friday's gathering.

    I hope there is still room for reconsideration.


    Margaret Elsner Howland

  2. Dear Margaret,

    The whole faculty did their best to find a time that would suit all... especially those who would be coming from far away. Some of the issues are that we are not sure when we will find his next of kin. We have to be sensitive to their wishes once found... This date also gives us the best chance to coordinate all who want to be involved... this would include all who have worked with Ed and want to share their experiences... and we expect the event to use the whole 2nd floor of the Zelazo Center with a series of opportunities for people to contribute, meet and listen to tributes...

    We are really just trying to do what is best for everyone - I'm sorry this is disappointing to you and I will pass on your comments to the whole faculty/Group. This is really a community effort as we all felt so connected to Ed. In the meantime please feel free to continue to participate in this online "share."

    Best wishes, Luc.

  3. Would it be possible to have a late summer/fall date arranged? Weather is unpredictable in the winter and makes creating travel plans difficult? If not, I understand, but would really like to try to attend.
